Posts tagged california
Successful trip to San Nicolas Island

The Long Lab had a great research trip this past month! We successfully deployed two big experiments and conducted a lot of surveys! Big ups to my advisor, Jeremy Long, for coming out with us. That definitely gave me a huge boost in confidence as a leader and a scientist. My lab tech, Wendi White, worked her butt off to get us all prepared for the trip but had to leave early. We missed her but she set up for success, even in her absence.

Props to everyone who came out:

Dr. Jeremy Long (Kick-ass adviser, mentor, rolemodel)

Jan “I taught you everything you know” Walker (Senior PhD student in my labs)

Wendi White (the greatest lab tech ever, looking for a PI so HOLLLAAAA)

Sam Folger (an amazing Long Lab undergraduate researcher)

Anthony “Big T” Truong (goofball, newest Long Lab MS student completing a thesis in sarcasm)

Darbi Berry (My good friend, a geomorphologist, check her out at

Austin Wayne (recent SDSU graduate and newest Long Lab researcher)

William Hoyer (US Navy resource manager at SNI, kick ass collaborator, human wikipedia)

Ooh! that reminds me!

Good News! Long Lab friend and collaborator Bill Hoyer got us permission to film and photograph on the San Nicolas Island. I’m currently combing through footage and putting a story together. My tentative goal is to have a finished video in six-eight weeks, have it approved by the Navy and share with you all! I have not started a script but depending on how it goes this may be a longer video or a series of shorter ones, we’ll see!

more soon!

for now, enjoy this beautiful picture of a tide pool. There are not many things more beautiful than the rocky intertidal.

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