1 Megabase = Hellabases
The project is moving at slug speed (how appropriate). Without a collection permit from CONANP we have been unable to move forward. To make it even more frustrating, we finally received a permit but are NOT allowed to collect Elysia diomedea or any type of green algae. It has been rough but somehow Dave Sandstrom has kept us moving forward. This man is great at improvising, adapting and managing. By the way, Dave also has a great sense of humor—him and Dr. Drew Talley in one room almost guarantees someone will fall off their chair in laughter. Anyway, Dave and I have used our seemingly limitless time to help our students understand concepts of molecular bio. Today, during our lesson on the building blocks of DNA, Dave asked if anybody knew how many bases are in one megabase. Diana, a brilliant student (and as hood as ya boy) shouted out “hellabases!” PRICELESS! So, if you didn’t know, now you know, 1 Megabase=Hellabases